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Motilal Oswal Mid to Mega Strategy

Strategy Construct

Investment Horizon:

Medium to Long term

Allocations - Market Capitalisation

Large Caps: 21 % Mid Caps: 44 % Small Caps: 27 %

Number of Stocks:

27 stocks for a portfolio

For Whom

Investors who like to invest with long term wealth creation

Scrip Allocation:

Not more that 10% in any stock

Sector Allocation Limit

35% or as per benchmark

Investment Philosophy

Focus on Return on Net Worth

Companies which are likely to earn 20-25 % on its net worth going forward.

Balance between growth and value

QGLP approach to buying right stocks. Quality, Growth, Longetivity & Price

Focused Strategy Construct

20-25 stocks for a portfolio

Margin of safety

To purchase a piece of great business at a fraction of its true value.

Bottom Up Approach

To identify potential long-term wealth creators by focusing on individual companies and their management bandwidth.

Long-term investment View

Strongly believe that Money is made by investing for the long term


Data as on 29-02-2024

Periodic Returns

*Since inception, Motilal Oswal Mid to Mega Strategy has delivered a CAGR of 30% vs. BSE 500 TRI returns of 19%

Outperformance of 11.00% (CAGR)

*Strategy Inception Date: 18-12-2017. .

For the relative performance of a particular Investment Approach to other Portfolio Managers within the selected strategy, please refer APMI website click here.Under PMS Provider Name, please select Motilal Oswal Asset Management Company and select your Investment Approach Name for viewing the stated disclosure. The data for the previous month is usually available on the APMI portal on or after the 7th business day of the current month.


Industry Classification

Industry Classification as recommended by AMFI

Top 10 holding

Data as on 31-1-2025

Fund Manager

Rakesh Tarway


Mr. Tarway has 17 years of experience in equity markets as Analyst and Head of Research. He has worked with Motilal Oswal Securities Limited as Analyst and Head of Retail Products. Prior to joining, Motilal Oswal Asset Management Company Limited, he had worked as Head Of Research for Reliance Securities Limited.

Other funds managed by him

  • Motilal Oswal India Opportunity Portfolio Strategy
  • Motilal Oswal India Opportunity Portfolio V2 Strategy

Strategy Details

Strategy Type:

open ended

Date of inception



bse 500 tri





Valuation Point


PMS Strategies

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Motilal Oswal Value Migration Strategy

The Strategy aims to benefit from the long term compounding effect on investments done in good businesses run by great business managers for superior wealth creation.

Contact your Financial Advisor to know more about the scheme. PMS is made via private placement only. Investment in securities are subject to market and other risks. Achievement of stated objectives are also subject to market risk. The scheme does not guarantee either of the above. Please read the Private Placement Memorandum carefully before investing.

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