Medium to Long Term (3 Years +)
Large Caps: 30.5 % Mid Caps: 38.7 % Small Caps: 29.8 %
32 stocks for a portfolio
Investors who like to invest with a Long-term wealth creation view.
Not more than 10% in a single stock at the time of new ideation
35 % or as per benchmark
Companies which are likely to earn 20-25 % on its net worth going forward.
QGLP approach to buying right stocks. Quality, Growth, Longetivity & Price
20-25 stocks for a portfolio
To purchase a piece of great business at a fraction of its true value
To identify potential long-term wealth creators by focusing on individual companies and their management bandwidth
Strongly believe that Money is made by investing for the long term
Data as on 31-12-2024
*Since inception, Motilal Oswal Next Trillion Dollar Opportunity has delivered a CAGR of 15.7% vs. BSE 500 TRI returns of 12.2%
Outperformance of 3.50% (CAGR)
*Strategy Inception Date: 03-08-2007. .
For the relative performance of a particular Investment Approach to other Portfolio Managers within the selected strategy, please refer APMI website click here.Under PMS Provider Name, please select Motilal Oswal Asset Management Company and select your Investment Approach Name for viewing the stated disclosure. The data for the previous month is usually available on the APMI portal on or after the 7th business day of the current month.
Industry Classification as recommended by AMFI
Data as on 31-1-2025
(CIO & Fund Manager - PMS & AIF (Alternates))
Mr. Vaibhav Agrawal is currently managing approx 10000 Crs AUM at Motilal Oswal Asset Management Co. Ltd. across alternate products. He has also managed a proprietary PMS and has over a decade of experience in stock picking and generating index-beating returns. He has worked as a ratings analyst in CRISIL and investment analyst in Motilal Oswal Asset Management. He holds a Bachelors in Computer Science from the University of Pennsylvania and an MBA from London Business School.
open ended
bse 500 tri